Takahashi TSA-120 application
Post date: May 08, 2011 10:3:6 PM
Just finished mounting to my new tak TSA-120. works great. I eliminated the belt drive and opted for direct shaft drive. My initial attempts at belt drive worked but with the Starlight focuser the knob has big ridges so less surface area for contact and it wasn't as precise as I'd like. so I went back to the stock focuser and trashed the belt. If you choose to direct mount....I found it's best to mount the motor by the shaft alone, then just need to provide a stabilizer to prevent the motor from rotating. It should have some play in it for imperfections. It takes very little stabilizing force to prevent rotation. If it's too rigid and off even a tiny bit it won't turn properly. I tried several times to build a very strudy mount....it didn't work. (pics on home page)
To remove the gear on the parallax motor....after trying to pry, grind, pound and making a homemade gear puller (I was certain I destroyed the motor, but didn't)...I found heating the gear to the point of discoloration/slight smoke...then pry off with screwdrivers works.....It's tight!